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Public art will be a key component of Centennial at Tejon Ranch.  The project has committed to a 1% Art Fee on all commercial and industrial structures which will help generate fund local arts education and installations throughout Centennial.


The economic activity in Centennial will provide several financial benefits to LA County and is estimated to generate:

$3.1 Billion

annual total output

$1.4 Billion

annual labor income

$1.8 Billion


local taxes


Centennial is providing many amenities and services. Public services will include up to four fire stations, a sheriff station, and a public library. Centennial will open several schools composed of one K-5, five K-8, and one high school. Also included are 306 acres of parks space and 30,000 square foot County Civic Administration Facility, an animal care facility, a materials recovery facility, along with land and incentives to attract medical facilities.

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