Centennial took on the challenge of creating greater equity in housing by committing to produce 3,480 affordable housing units, representing 18% of the total homes being built. This represents more affordable housing units than have been produced in LA County over the last two decades.

Centennial has agreed to a local hiring program of 30%, one of the largest by a private developer in LA County. This will include local residents, minority-owned, women-owned, and disadvantaged business, which is the largest commitment from a private developer in LA County. The local hire program will help increase local participation in the building of one of the largest master-planned communities in California, with a focus on local residents and disadvantaged communities and businesses.

Homeownership has been an essential element of the American dream and continues to be so today. Centennial is the catalyst for building generational wealth and being able to own a home in this community provides you with not just an investment, but a place to live. As the last affordable area for new single-family homes in Los Angeles County, the Antelope Valley has enabled many people of color to purchase homes. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, 20.5 percent of Lancaster’s residents are African Americans, who also make up 14.8 percent of Palmdale’s population. More than half of Palmdale’s residents are of Hispanic or Latino origin, as is 38 percent of Lancaster.
When we look at the housing products that Centennial will produce, about 90% of their housing units would be considered an affordable market rate for a low-income family of four. Centennial is the missing puzzle piece that Los Angeles County is in dire need of. Enforcement mechanisms will be in place requiring that for every 1,250 market-rate residential units issued certificates of occupancy, the County shall not issue a final certificate of occupancy for the 1,251st market-rate unit until at least 125 affordable units are made available.